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I Remember - Ian Seed

Chapbook RCP82

A6 40 Pages

First published as a limited run of 40 copies.

I Remember - Ian Seed

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  • ‘Ian Seed takes the “I Remember” formula and makes it his own; personal, yet detached; concrete and detailed, yet encompassing universal themes. These moving autobiographical poems deliver Seed’s memories, deadpan and almost without comment. Yet, like the best of such poetry, they draw the reader in to reflect on their own life and to see themselves as part of a process encompassing other worlds and times.’
    Alan Baker


    ‘In this new work Ian Seed exploits a repetitive device 
(I remember) to signal moments in his life. The repetition becomes an affecting underscore of his need to recall, record and memorialise. Unadorned with explanation, the poet’s inner and outer trajectories evoke people, places and eras with simple beauty and poignancy. Insistent and urgent, these cameos resonate and linger, voicing experience with courage and clarity.’
    Lucy Hamilton


    ‘Ian Seed writes with such engaging plainness, in a matter-of-fact often unemotional way, looking back at an early life that at the time assumed normality, but left its mark, and it gets to you - oh yes, it gets to you.’
    Linda Black


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