Chapbook RCP38
A6 44 Pages36
40 Copies
Lives of the Saints - Wayne Clements
Wayne Clements, writer and artist, studied fine art at Chelsea College of Art and Design, where he researched machine methods of generating text. His artwork has been widely exhibited internationally. First published by Bob Cobbing’s Writers Forum Press in the 1990s, eight books of poetry and visual work have followed. Recent publications include: Clerical Work (2010, Veer), Western Philosophy (2011, Knives, Forks and Spoons), Archeus (2012, Depart), Variant Lines (2013, Red Ceilings), and Eutropius (2013, Hassle). Kenya (with Johan de Wit and Antony John) is due from Veer in 2016.
Buy Lives of the Saints along with Wayne's latest chapbook Weather Poems for £10. Use code Clements21 at checkout (whilst stocks last).