Chapbook RCP47
A6 66 Pages
60 Copies
Objects from the Footcopier - David Greenslade
David Greenslade is a (prize-winning) essayist, novelist, poet and short story writer. He has lived and worked in many countries, among them Japan, the USA and Oman. He writes in Welsh and English and currently shares his time between Wales and Romania while teaching at Cardiff Metropolitan University.
"When the Round Table stands in the middle of the kitchen, and houses in a landmined landscape are haunted by the Twrch Trwyth, David Greenslade takes us into that world of swivelling, sabre-toothed, coat hangers where surrealist art and beans come true: Actually,’there’s nothing the mind can’t do’. Great stuff!"
Patrick Le Petit, Author,
The Esoteric Secrets of Surrealism
"David Greenslade's texts simply smash our rational faculties."
Michel Remy, Author, Surrealism in Britain